6 Side Effects of Taking a Multivitamin Every Day :

6 Side Effects of Taking a Multivitamin Every Day :


Everyone is looking for the best thing to enhance their health. Whether it’s the latest fitness craze or the best protein supplements in the market, there are many ways to give a boost to our mental and physical wellness. If you’re not sure about the benefits or side effects of taking a daily multivitamin then we have you covered.

Healthy eating tips:

1) You fill nutrient gaps in your diet.

  • You should always try to eat a balanced, veggie-filled diet that provides the nutrients and minerals which your system requires.
  • 70% of the average Americans diet comes from processed, which are calorie-dense but light on vitamins and minerals.
  • A daily supplement can’t erase the damage of the food that you eat, but it can point you in a better direction.
  • Dietary habits of a large population of our nation consistently fail to meet the minimal intakes recommended in the
  • Dietary Reference Intake for many vital nutrients.

2) You will feel energized.

  • If you’re feeling tired then a multivitamin may be the motivation you’ve been craving to get going.
  • A multivitamin provides essential vitamin B that are water-soluble vitamins, we need to release the energy that’s trapped inside carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • This released energy can now fuel our cells and provide the power we need to carry out our daily activities, vitamin B also encourage healthy organ function and cognitive health.

3) You fight against cancer.

  • Benefits of a multivitamin is that they reduce our risk for cancer and the right multivitamin will also provide a daily dose of folic acid, which helps carry blood cells around the body filled with oxygen.
  • These work to fight anemia’s and fatigue, feed foetus for pregnant women, and ward off diseases.
  • Mostly people don’t consume enough leafy green vegetables to intake the folate they need, so getting it through your multivitamin helps to keep all cylinders in the body running optimally.

4) You give your heart a boost.

  • Our heart keeps beating with each and every passing year, and yet, many people don’t have good cardiovascular health.
  • This organ should be on the top of mind and high priority since it affects so much of our overall well-being.
  • Eating a healthy diet and following a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, are primary.
  • But finding a multivitamin that also helps to support heart health can be beneficial for us. Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3, folate, and Vitamin B12 since they all support cardiovascular health.

5) You will have a better memory.

A multivitamin could prove beneficial, if you’re struggling. The Vitamin B that are often in a multivitamins are warriors for our brains.

Types of Vitamin B:

  • Vitamin B5 which is also called pantothenic acid is a cofactor that facilitates the creation of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter associated with memory.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid) work together to help produce dopamine and serotonin, our feel-good neurotransmitters.
  • B12 which is also cobalamin, takes it a step further and supports the health of the myelin sheath, a protective coating along with our brain cells.
  • Vitamins B6, B9, and B12, along with B2 which is also called riboflavin, help support cardiovascular health by balancing homocysteine. It is an amino acid made in the body that can build up over time and eventually harm our cardiovascular system.

6) Your urine might turn yellow.

  • With all of these benefits, it’s really hard to say ‘no’ to taking a multivitamin. But if you do and your urine turns yellow, then don’t freak out this is normal.
  • Your body will automatically excrete any water-soluble vitamin that your body does not need, turning your urine bright yellow.
  • Water-soluble vitamins include thiamin, niacin vitamin C, riboflavin, and folate.
  • People should get their vitamin levels checked before starting a multivitamin and only supplementing a deficiency or vulnerability.