What happens in your body when you inhale polluted air?

What happens in your body when you inhale polluted air?


We are living in this changing era of development which is making our life so easy but there are both pros and cons of every development.  If we take example of electronic devices like AC, Refrigerator, Water Purifier etc and vehicle they help us but side by side they are releasing many toxics gases which are very hazardous to our health. Therefore, they are the main cause of air pollution. Today many people facing serious breathing problems because of poor air quality. 

When we inhale this polluted air it reaches so many parts of our body. Different types of air pollution affect different part of the body. 

 How it affect Lungs:

When we breathe this polluted air it comes through nose or mouth, passes though throat then goes to lungs and to blood vessels also. Polluted air can affect the air passage. Bronchi are a part of lungs get tighten when we inhale polluted air and bronchi releases excess mucous. This way air passage constricted which result difficulty in breathing and lead to asthma attack.  When air pollution infects the lungs it stops filtration of other bacteria and viruses.

  • Lung Cancer
  • Asthma Attacks
  • Infections 
  • Blood Flow Restricted
  • Excess mucous 

How it affects Heart:

Human circulatory system consists of heart and blood circulation. Both work with systematic coordination. Heart is the key organ of our body without it we cannot survive. The main function of breathing is happens through heart. Air pollution causes changes in circulatory system like circulation of blood, beating of heart etc. It can cause irregular heart beat which lead to arrhythmia. Irregular heat beat also causes break off of blood vessel and block blood flow which causes heart attack.

  • Heart Attack 
  • Blood Clotting 
  • Irregular Heart Beat 

How it affects Brain:

Central neural system of our body is controlled by brain.  Brain also called central information processing organ which acts as command and control system. It controls all the voluntary and involuntary actions of our body like Balance of body, Functioning of organs heart, lungs, kidneys, etc, Hunger and Thirst, Thermoregulation, Breathing 24 hours, Processing of vision, hearing, speech, memory, thoughts, emotions, etc. When polluted air reaches to our brain through lungs/blood it affects all these functions. Therefore causes the various problems: 

  • Brain Stroke 
  • Anxiety 
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Headaches 
  • IQ level Reduces 

So, to avoid these kinds of problems which cause through polluted air we should try to have balanced diet, proper sleep time, Regular exercise and Proper water intake. This will help our body to be strong and able to fight with the infections. 
